Data Source: oci_os_management_hub_managed_instance_available_software_sources

This data source provides the list of Managed Instance Available Software Sources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Os Management Hub service.

Returns a list of software sources that can be attached to the specified managed instance. Any software sources already attached to the instance are not included in the list.

Example Usage

data "oci_os_management_hub_managed_instance_available_software_sources" "test_managed_instance_available_software_sources" {
	managed_instance_id =

	compartment_id = var.compartment_id
	display_name = var.managed_instance_available_software_source_display_name
	display_name_contains = var.managed_instance_available_software_source_display_name_contains

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

ManagedInstanceAvailableSoftwareSource Reference

The following attributes are exported: