Data Source: oci_os_management_hub_managed_instance_group_modules

This data source provides the list of Managed Instance Group Modules in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Os Management Hub service.

Retrieve a list of module streams, along with a summary of their status, from a managed instance group. Filters may be applied to select a subset of module streams based on the filter criteria.

The ‘moduleName’ attribute filters against the name of a module. It accepts strings of the format “”. If this attribute is defined, only streams that belong to the specified module are included in the result set. If it is not defined, the request is not subject to this filter.

The “status” attribute filters against the state of a module stream. Valid values are “ENABLED”, “DISABLED”, and “ACTIVE”. If the attribute is set to “ENABLED”, only module streams that are enabled are included in the result set. If the attribute is set to “DISABLED”, only module streams that are not enabled are included in the result set. If the attribute is set to “ACTIVE”, only module streams that are active are included in the result set. If the attribute is not defined, the request is not subject to this filter.

When sorting by the display name, the result set is sorted first by the module name and then by the stream name.

Example Usage

data "oci_os_management_hub_managed_instance_group_modules" "test_managed_instance_group_modules" {
	managed_instance_group_id =

	compartment_id = var.compartment_id
	name = var.managed_instance_group_module_name
	name_contains = var.managed_instance_group_module_name_contains
	stream_name =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

ManagedInstanceGroupModule Reference

The following attributes are exported: