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Namespace JobDefinitionScope

Defines the rules or criteria based on which the scope for job definition is circumscribed.


Optional entityName

entityName: undefined | string

Name of the entity for this metadata harvest.

Optional entityNameFilter

entityNameFilter: undefined | string

Filter rules with regular expression to specify entity names for this metadata harvest.

Optional folderName

folderName: undefined | string

Name of the folder or schema for this metadata harvest.

Optional folderNameFilter

folderNameFilter: undefined | string

Filter rules with regular expression to specify folder names for this metadata harvest.

Optional isSampleDataExtracted

isSampleDataExtracted: undefined | false | true

Specify if sample data to be extracted as part of this harvest.

Optional sampleDataSizeInMBs

sampleDataSizeInMBs: undefined | number

Specify the sample data size in MB, specified as number of rows, for this metadata harvest. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


