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Namespace CustomPropertyGetUsage

Details of a single custom property


Optional allowedValues

allowedValues: Array<string>

Allowed values for the custom property if any

Optional dataType

dataType: model.CustomPropertyDataType

The data type of the custom property

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Description of the custom property

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

Display name of the custom property

Optional isEditable

isEditable: undefined | false | true

If this field is a editable field

Optional isEventEnabled

isEventEnabled: undefined | false | true

If an OCI Event will be emitted when the custom property is modified.

Optional isHidden

isHidden: undefined | false | true

If this field is a hidden field

Optional isListType

isListType: undefined | false | true

Is this property allowed to have list of values

Optional isMultiValued

isMultiValued: undefined | false | true

If this field allows multiple values to be set

Optional isShownInList

isShownInList: undefined | false | true

If this field is displayed in a list view of applicable objects.

Optional key

key: undefined | string

Unique Identifier of the attribute which is ID

Optional namespaceKey

namespaceKey: undefined | string

Unique namespace key that is immutable

Optional namespaceName

namespaceName: undefined | string

Namespace name of the custom property

Optional value

value: undefined | string

The custom property value


