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Namespace UpdateMaintenanceRunDetails

Describes the modification parameters for the maintenance run.


Optional currentCustomActionTimeoutInMins

currentCustomActionTimeoutInMins: undefined | number

The current custom action timeout between the current database servers during waiting state in addition to custom action timeout, from 0 (zero) to 30 minutes. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional customActionTimeoutInMins

customActionTimeoutInMins: undefined | number

Determines the amount of time the system will wait before the start of each database server patching operation. Specify a number of minutes from 15 to 120. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional isCustomActionTimeoutEnabled

isCustomActionTimeoutEnabled: undefined | false | true

If true, enables the configuration of a custom action timeout (waiting period) between database servers patching operations.

Optional isEnabled

isEnabled: undefined | false | true

If {@code FALSE}, skips the maintenance run.

Optional isPatchNowEnabled

isPatchNowEnabled: undefined | false | true

If set to {@code TRUE}, starts patching immediately.

Optional isResumePatching

isResumePatching: undefined | false | true

If true, then the patching is resumed and the next component will be patched immediately.

Optional patchId

patchId: undefined | string

The OCID of the patch to be applied in the maintenance run.

Optional patchingMode

patchingMode: PatchingMode

Cloud Exadata infrastructure node patching method, either "ROLLING" or "NONROLLING". Default value is ROLLING.

IMPORTANT*: Non-rolling infrastructure patching involves system down time. See [Oracle-Managed Infrastructure Maintenance Updates](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Database/Concepts/examaintenance.htm#Oracle) for more information.

Optional targetDbServerVersion

targetDbServerVersion: undefined | string

The target database server system software version for the patching operation.

Optional targetStorageServerVersion

targetStorageServerVersion: undefined | string

The target storage cell system software version for the patching operation.

Optional timeScheduled

timeScheduled: Date

The scheduled date and time of the maintenance run to update.


