The image shows the Application roles screen. On the left, under Resources, the Application roles tab is selected. At the top of the Application roles table, there are two buttons: Import and Export. On the far right, the Search by application button is grayed out. The table's header row, from left to right, has an open checkbox (selects all entries in the table when checked), Name in the left column, and Description in the right column. The first table row has an open checkbox on the left, DEVELOPER_ADMINISTRATOR for the Name, and Visual Builder Studio Administrator for the Description. The expand arrow is pointing down (indicating that the entry is collapsed). The second table row has an open checkbox on the left, DEVELOPER_USER for the Name, and Visual Builder Studio User for the Description. The expand arrow is pointing down (collapsed). The third table row shows the status for the table row entries: "0 selected", "Showing 2 app roles", and "< Page 1 >".