Manage Warehouse Domains: Warehouse Domains Tab

Use this tab to verify that the domains and domain members in the target system have been set correctly, and also to edit the name and description for domain members.

For example, you might want to change the Name and Description for the Application transaction type for AP Transaction Type (W_AP_XACT_TYPE).

This tab is only displayed in Configuration Manager. It is not displayed in FSM.

Element Description

Warehouse Domains

Use this list to navigate the Warehouse domains.

Warehouse Members

Use this list to view and edit the members for the currently selected domain.

Add Warehouse Domain Member

Use this option to display the Add Warehouse Domain Member/Add Target Domain Member dialog, which enables you to create a new warehouse member. This dialog prompts you to specify a Code, Name, and Description (optional) for the new warehouse member.

For example, if you have a Performance Percentile domain in a HR application with the ranges: 0 - 100 as Performance Range 1, and 101 - 200 as Performance Range 2, then you might want to create a category called Performance Range 3, to which you can map a new range. Or, you might want to create a new target domain called Payment Method in a Financial application.

If this option is grayed out, then the domain is non-extensible (contact your BI administrator).

Search (Only displayed when this dialog is invoked directly from Configuration Manager. Search is not available when this dialog is invoked from FSM.)

For User Assistance on the Search pane, see Search pane.