Create BI Schema on Oracle ATP Database

You can create the BI schema on Oracle ATP either by using the RCU in graphical user interface (GUI) or in silent mode.

If you use the RCU in GUI, at several intervals the RCU might display insufficient privileges message. Ignore this message and continue with the next step in the wizard. During Oracle Analytics Server RCU creation, select DATA for Default Tablespace and TEMP for Temp Tablespace. Autonomous transaction processing database provide various services consumer groups. Oracle recommends you to always use “TP” ATP service name while running RCU and configuring Oracle BI Applications.

Perform the following steps to run the RCU in silent mode.

  1. Run the RCU in silent mode with the following options in the response file, and input the full TNS connection string to create the schema.
    rcu -silent -responseFile <path-to-the-response-file>
    • connectString for a connection with wallet:

      description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)("CN=adwc.eucom-central-1.ora, OU=Oracle BMCS FRANKFURT, O=Oracle Corporation, L=Redwood City, ST=California, C=US"))) 
    • connectString for a connection without wallet:

      (description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)(
    • operation=createRepository
    • databaseType=ORACLE
    • dbUser=<DB User>
    • dbRole=Normal
    • schemaPrefix=<Schema Prefix>
    • selectDependentsForComponents=true
    • useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers=true
    • STB.tablespace=DATA
    • STB.tempTablespace=TEMP
    • OPSS.tablespace=DATA
    • OPSS.tempTablespace=TEMP
    • BIPLATFORM.tablespace=DATA
    • BIPLATFORM.tempTablespace=TEMP
    • IAU.tablespace=DATA
    • IAU.tempTablespace=TEMP
    • IAU_APPEND.tablespace=DATA
    • IAU_APPEND.tempTablespace=TEMP
    • IAU_VIEWER.tablespace=DATA
    • IAU_VIEWER.tempTablespace=TEMP
    • MDS.tablespace=DATA
    • MDS.tempTablespace=TEMP
    • WLS.tablespace=DATA
    • WLS.tempTablespace=TEMP
  2. After successful creation of schema, continue with the Install Oracle Data Integrator section. See Install Oracle Data Integrator.