About Row and Column Templates

Using row and column templates, you can select a contiguous set of rows or columns and save them as an object in the repository to reuse in reports. Row and column templates include one or more row or column definitions. These row or column definitions may contain:

  • Database connection/dimension/member selections

  • Formula rows and columns

  • Expansions

  • Headings, including customized formatting

  • Text rows and columns, where only the text in the heading cells is saved

  • Cell formatting

  • Basic suppression (#Missing, #Zero, #Error)

When you create a row and column template, the following items are discarded:

  • Cell formulas

  • Secondary database connection specifications

  • Text from the data cell area (text in the heading cells is retained)

  • Conditional formatting

  • Related content

  • Conditional suppression

After you create a row and column template, you can save it to the repository with the following limitations:

  • Formulas must refer to rows and columns within the selected rows or columns in the template.

  • Formulas outside the row and column template cannot refer to selected rows and columns that are part of a row and column template.


    When a report contains two or more templates and one of the templates cannot be retrieved because it is moved, renamed, deleted from the repository, or the data source for the template has changed, the link to the existing template remains unbroken. No alerts for broken links are given; however, you can check for orphan links in the FRLogging.log file.