
HFMCurrency is a text function that returns the ID of the currency property for a cell in a Oracle Hyperion Financial Management database connection.


<<HFMCurrency("GridName", Row, Col, Page)>>

Argument Description
GridName Name of a Financial Management grid. This value must be enclosed in quotation marks
Row Numeric value representing the row index of the grid. The first row in a grid has an index of 1, the second row has an index of 2, and so on.
Col Letter representing the column of the grid. The first column in a grid has an index of A, the second column has an index of B, and so on.
Page Numeric value representing the index of member combinations on all page dimensions of the grid. The first page dimension combination in a grid has an index of 1, the second page dimension combination has an index of 2, and so on.

A designer can map the string returned fromFinancial Management to another string by way of a properties file change. The mappings are defined in the JConsole file. For example, a designer might add these lines to HFM Entity Currency section:




For information on JConsole, see the Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting Administrator's Guide ..

If USD is returned from Financial Management, the U.S. dollar symbol ( $ ) is displayed; if EUR is returned from Financial Management, the European euro symbol ( _ ) is displayed. The properties file includes these and other examples as comments.


Display the currency property for the cell that is in row 21, column B on page 1 of Grid1:



HFMCurrency only supports the Current keyword when used in a grid cell; not in a text box object, header, or footer. See Using the Current/Cur Keyword in a Text Function.