Inserting a Row and Column Template

After saving the row and column template to the repository as an object, you can insert it into an unlimited number of compatible grids. When a row or column template is inserted into a report, formulas outside of the template are adjusted accordingly. Only formulas within a grid are updated; not external formulas, which refer to the grid with the template, from text objects or another grid.

In a grid on a report, a row and column template is marked with yellow heading cells. Dynamic linking is displayed on the Row and Column Template Properties property sheet.

To insert a row and column template:

  1. In a grid, select a row or column adjacent to where you want to insert the row and column template.

    Row templates are inserted below the selected row. Column templates are inserted to the left of the selected cell.

  2. Right-click the selected rows or columns, and then select Insert Row and Column Template.
  3. In the Insert Row and Column Template dialog box , select the row and column template to insert.
  4. Select whether to link or unlink a row and column template to or from the repository as an object.
    • To create a link between the report and the template in the repository, select Link to Source Object. You can link the row and column template to the current grid so that the grid maintains a dynamic connection to the row and column template preserved in the repository.

      A template that is linked within a grid can only be modified through format inheritance. See Inheriting Cell Formatting.

    • To use the template in the report without maintaining a dynamic link to the source object in the Explore repository, clear Link to Source Object. See Unlinking a Row and Column Template.

  5. Click Insert.