
LabeledCellText retrieves the textual content from a Oracle Hyperion Financial Management database connection through their ADM driver.


LabledCellText(" GridName ", Row, Column, Page, " Label ", [Attachments], [MemberOverride])

Argument Description


Name of a grid. This value must be enclosed in quotation marks.


Numeric value representing the row number of the grid. The first row in a grid has an index of 1, the second row has an index of 2, and so on. The ALLROWS and CUR keywords are supported.

Column or Col

Letter representing the column of the grid. The first column in a grid has an index of A, the second column has an index of B, and so on. The ALLCOLS and CUR keywords are supported.


Numeric value representing the page dimension index of the grid. The first page dimension in a grid has an index of 1, the second page dimension has an index of 2, and so on.


Identifies the Financial Management cell label to which the desired cell texts (and optionally attachments) correspond. This value must be enclosed in quotation marks.


(Optional) A true or false value that indicates whether attachments associated with the cell text should be retrieved.


(Optional) String of comma separated dimensions and corresponding member selections that override the active POV. See CellText Using MemberOverride.


LabeledCellText("Grid1", CUR, A, 1, "MATURITYDATE")

LabeledCellText("Grid1", 3, CUR, 1, "RATING", TRUE)

LabeledCellText("Grid1", 3, CUR, 1, "RATING", TRUE, Year=Quarter1)