
PlanningAnnotations is a text function that retrieves the critical notes or comments associated with a cell’s Planning Unit from the Oracle Hyperion Planning database connection. Planning Units are a combination of Scenario, Version, and Entity and are derived in Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting through cell references in a grid.


<<PlanningAnnotations("GridName", Row, Column, Page, Attributes, Range)>>

<<PlanningAnnotations("GridName", Row, Column, Page, Attributes)>>

Argument Description


(Required) Name of a grid.


(Required) Numeric value representing the row number of the grid. The first row in a grid has an index of 1, the second row has an index of 2, and so on.


(Required) Letter that represents the column of the grid. The first column in a grid has an index of A, the second column has an index of B, and so on.


(Required) Numeric value representing the index of member combinations on all page dimensions of the grid. The first page dimension combination in a grid has an index of 1, the second page dimension combination has an index of 2, and so on.


Any of the following values: All, Title, Author, Date, Text, PlanningUnit. (PlanningUnit is the combination of scenario, version, and entity and is derived from the GridName, Row, Column, and Page.)

Arrange attributes in the preferred order of output, and separate each attribute with an ampersand (&).


Use the keywords All, Top, or Bottom. to select the number of annotations from the top or bottom of an output, or all annotations.

  • All returns all annotations

  • Top 5 returns the first five annotations

  • Bottom 10 returns the last ten annotations

  • Bottom 1 returns the last annotation

Example 1:

"All" is assumed for the Range parameter.

<<PlanningAnnotations("Grid Name", 1,a,1,All, All)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations("Grid Name", 100,AB,10,All, All)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(cur, cur,a,cur,Text & Title & Author, Top 5)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(cur, 315, AB, 255, Text&Title&Author, Top 5)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(cur, cur A, Cur, PlanningUnit, Top 5)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(cur, 123, ABC, 101, PlanningUnit, Top5)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(Grid1, 1, current, cur, Title & Text, Bottom 10)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(Grid1, 105, ABC, cur, Title & Text, Bottom 10)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(Current, 34, BB, cur, All, Top 40)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(cur, cur, A cur, Text & Title & Author, Top 5)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(cur, cur, A, cur, Text&Title&Author, bottom15)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(cur, 1(3), A(B), cur, Title&Author&Date&Text, All)>>
<<PlanningAnnotations(cur, 1(3), A(B), cur, Title&Author&Date&Text, All)>>

Example 2:

Retrieve annotation text in row 1, column A, of a grid on the current page. Display the bottom three annotations and all attributes associated with the annotation (title, author, date, text, and planning unit).

Use this syntax in a text cell:

<<PlanningAnnotations(Current, 1, A, Current, All, Bottom 3)

Annotations are returned chronologically in descending order by date, with the most recent annotations on top and the oldest annotation on the bottom. The resulting annotation text resembles the following:

Title: Status - Under Review

Author: John Smith

Date: Mar 25, 2003 10:32:49 AM

Planning Unit: Budget, 1st Draft, East

Text: Please review and approve

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Title: Status - Not Signed Off

Author: Mary Brown

Date: Mar 21, 2003 2:59:11 PM

Planning Unit: Budget, 1st Draft, West

Text: Sorry, Try Again

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Title: Status - Under Review

Author: Admin

Date: Mar 21, 2003 2:54:16 PM

Planning Unit: Budget, 1st Draft, South

Text: Please review and approve budget for 1st draft


PlanningAnnotations only supports the Current keyword when used in a grid cell; not in a text box object, header, or footer. See Using the Current/Cur Keyword in a Text Function.