
ReportModified is a text function that returns the date the current report was last modified. Use this function in a text box, text cell, row, or column heading.



Argument Description
format Characters, enclosed in quotation marks, that define the format of the date and time. Format defaults to the user preference for date /time. Valid values are those accepted by Java SimpleDateFormat, "user", or empty ("user").

For a detailed description of date and time formats, see Table 11-8.

TimeZoneId Defaults to user preferences for the time zone. Valid values are those accepted by Java TimeZone.getTimeZone(), or the server time zone.

For example, for TimeZone.getTimeZone() to specify the east coast, enter: America/New_York.


The date and time format is case-sensitive. ReportModified returns a value only after the report is saved.


Insert the date Jan 19, 2013. (This is the date that the report was last modified.)

Report Modified: <<ReportModified("MMM dd, yyyy")>>