Resizing and Moving Charts

You can change the size of a chart and move a chart to another location in a report.

To resize a chart:

  1. Click the name of the report that contains the chart to return to the report "layout view".

  2. Click the chart.

    The chart’s border is highlighted in red to indicate that the chart is selected.

  3. Click and drag a border on the perimeter of the chart to change the size.

To move a chart to another location in the report:

  1. Click the name of the report that contains the chart to return to the report "layout view".

  2. Click the chart.

    The chart’s border is highlighted in red to indicate that the chart is selected.

  3. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the chart to another location in the report.


You must be in the "layout view" to move or resize a chart. If you click on a chart in the Body section of the Report Designer, you cannot move or resize the chart.