
Truncate is a mathematical function that removes the specified number of digits from numeric values.



where arg1 is one of the following values:

Argument Description


A numeric value. For example, 234.567.

See Numeric Arguments.

row, column, or cell reference

A pointer to a row, column, or cell within a grid.

You can specify references in several ways. The reference syntax is: GridName.GridElement[segment(range)].property . See Row, Column, or Cell Reference Arguments.


An embedded function.

See Mathematical Functions.

Integer specifies the number of digits to remove:

  • A positive integer determines the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

  • A zero (0) integer returns the integer located to the left of the decimal point.

  • A negative integer indicates the number of digits to the left of the decimal point.


The following statement uses a positive integer of 2. The first two digits to the right of the decimal point remain, and the following digit is removed:

Trunc(234.567, 2) = 234.56

The following statement uses a zero (0) integer. All digits to the right of the decimal point are removed:

Trunc(234.567, 0) = 234

The following statement uses a negative integer of -2. All digits to the right of the decimal point are removed and the last 2 digits of the integer are truncated.

Trunc(234.567, -2) = 200


Any formatting previously applied to a cell, column, or row is maintained when you use the Trunc function. The following example shows the results of a Trunc function where the cell value was previously formatted to display three decimal places: Trunc(234.567, 0) = 234.000