Command Line Launcher Example and Arguments

Following are some examples of the Command Line Launcher.

java –jar calcmgrCmdLine.jar http://myBox:19000 admin password Sample Basic myRule var1=\"Jan\" var2=1000 var3="Budget->\"001\"->FY10"
  • <Calc Server URL> - The protocol, such as http or https, and the host name and port

  • <USER> <PWD> - The user name and password

  • <APPLICATION NAME> - The Oracle Essbase application in which the rule is created

  • <DATABASE NAME> - The Essbase database (in the application) in which the rule is created

  • <RULE NAME> - The name of the business rule

  • <VARIABLE NAME> - The runtime prompt variable name to be replaced in the business rule

  • <VARIABLE VALUE> - The value of the runtime prompt variable

Non-Encrypted Mode Examples

java -jar calcmgrCmdLine.jar <CalcServer URL> <USER NAME> <PWD> <Application Name> <Database Name> <Rule Name> <variable name=value>,<variable name=value>
java -jar calcmgrCmdLine.jar http://myBox:19000 admin password Sample Basic myRule var1="Jan" var2=1000

Encrypted Mode Example

If you need to pass the password encrypted as an argument to the Command Line Launcher, first create an encrypted token for the password. You can encrypt the password using a default key as follows:

java -jar calcmgrCmdLine.jar -encrypt password

Encrypted Mode Using a Default Key to Decrypt Example

To decrypt a password using a default key, decrypt as follows:

java –jar calcmgrCmdLine.jar -decrypt http://myBox:19000 admin g//Fl9AB2qrFN9R5m141CPgcLYmjmLyiIxk2CXz7hxbheZe6HDUvjYkQuW2l4Oer Sample Basic myRule var1="Jan" var2=1000

Encrypted Mode Using a Supplied Key to Encrypt Example

To encrypt a password using a supplied key, encrypt as follows:

java -jar calcmgrCmdLine.jar -encrypt -key AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA password

Encrypted Mode Using Supplied Key to Decrypt Example

java –jar clacmgrcmdLine.jar -key AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA http://myBox:19000 admin g//Fl9AB2qrFN9R5m141CPgcLYmjmLyiIxk2CXz7hxbheZe6HDUvjYkQuW2l4Oer Sample Basic myRule var1="Jan" var2=1000