Creating a Data Range Component (Financial Management Users Only)

You create a data range component from within the Rule Designer or Template Designer as you are designing a Oracle Hyperion Financial Management business rule or template. Unlike a script or formula component, a data range component exists only as a component of the business rule or template to which it belongs. A data range component cannot be shared.

To create a data range component:

  1. In System View, expand the Financial Management application type, the application, and the calculation type. Then do one of these tasks, depending on whether you want to create a data range for a rule or a template:
    • To create a data range in a rule, expand Rules, then right-click a rule, and then select Open.

    • To create a data range in a template, expand Templates, then right-click a template, and then select Open.

  2. After you determine where in the flow chart to create the data range, from New Objects, drag the Data Range object, and drop it into the flow chart.

    The Data Range object is displayed as two circles with a connecting line in the flow chart.

  3. Custom template users only: If you are creating a data range component for a template, create design-time prompts for it on the Design-Time Prompt tab. See Creating Design-Time Prompts for Custom Templates.
  4. On the Data Range tab, do one of these tasks:
    • If you are creating the data range for a business rule and want to use a variable to define the data range (See Working with Variables) perform these tasks:

      1. Click Variable Selector, and enter or create a variable to define the data range.


        If you select this option, you cannot define a data range for the dimensions in the grid.

      2. Select whether or not to link the variable dynamically to the data range component. If you link it dynamically, the variable is updated in the data range component whenever changes are made to it elsewhere in Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager.

      3. For Value Variable, select a replacement string variable that contains a POV. (If you use this button to select variables, it is the same as entering members in the Value column of the grid.)

      4. Optional: From Sort Dimension, select the dimension you want to use for sorting.

      5. Optional If you selected a dimension to use for sorting in the previous step, from Sort Method, select the method by which you want to sort the dimension:

        • Ascending, to sort the dimension members from A to Z. (This is the default setting.)

        • Descending, to sort the dimension members from Z to A.

        • Select Enable Timer to include the time it takes to process the data range in the log file when the business rule or template is calculated. The process time is included in the log file for every object whose timer is enabled. For example, if you have a rule whose timer is enabled and the rule contains three fixed loops whose timers are enabled, the time taken to process the rule, and each fixed loop in the ruleset, is recorded.

        • Click Reset Grid to display the grid with its default settings.

    • If you are creating the data range for a custom template and want to use a design-time prompt to define the data range:

      1. Click Variable Selector, and enter or create a variable.

      2. Select whether or not to link the variable dynamically to the data range component. If you link it dynamically, the variable is updated in the data range component whenever changes are made to it elsewhere in Calculation Manager.

      3. For Value Variable, select a replacement variable of the type Data Range. (Data range variables contain complete data range definitions.)

      4. Optional: From Sort Dimension, select the dimension you want to use for sorting.

      5. Optional If you selected a dimension to use for sorting in the previous step, from Sort Method, select the method by which you want to sort the dimension:

        • Ascending, to sort the dimension members from A to Z. (This is the default setting.)

        • Descending, to sort the dimension members from Z to A.

        • Select Enable Timer to include the time it takes to process the data range in the log file when the business rule or template is calculated. The process time is included in the log file for every object whose timer is enabled. For example, if you have a rule whose timer is enabled and the rule contains three fixed loops whose timers are enabled, the time taken to process the rule, and each fixed loop in the ruleset, is recorded.

        • Click Reset Grid to display the grid with its default settings.

    • If you are creating the data range for either a business rule or a custom template and want to use variables, members, and functions to define the data range:

      1. For the first dimension for which you want to define a data range, enter members in the Value column, or click in the row to display the Actions icon.

      2. Click the Actions icon, and select one of these options to define the data range:

      3. Enter a launch variable in the Variable column, or click in the row to display the Actions icon. Click the Actions icon, and select Variable to select a launch variable. See Working with Variables.


        You cannot include a launch variable for the Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, or Value dimensions.

      4. Click the Comments icon to enter comments for the data range.

      5. Repeat these steps for each dimension for which you want to define a data range.

  5. Optional: On the Properties tab, do any of these tasks:
    • Select Disabled to exclude the data range component from the business rule or template validation and calculation.

    • Enter a caption to identify the data range component. The caption is displayed below the component in the flow chart of the rule or template to which it belongs.

    • Enter a description and comments for the data range component.

  6. Click Save button.