Debugging Business Rules

Debugging a business rule involves running the business rule and examining its script line by line to see how the script executes.

You can debug business rules for the following applications:

  • Oracle Essbase block storage applications, if you have write privileges

  • Oracle Hyperion Planning applications, if you have launch privileges


You cannot edit a business rule while you are debugging it.

To debug a business rule:

  1. Open a business rule.
  2. In the Rule Designer, select Actions, and then Debug.

    The script of the business rule is displayed in the script debugger. Each statement in the script is displayed on a separate line.

  3. Debug the statements in the business rule script.

    As you debug statements, you can:

    • Insert and remove break points where you want to stop the execution of the script to examine the values of the intersections of members in the statement. When the execution stops at a break point, the values of the intersection of all members in the statement are displayed.

      To add a break point, right-click to the right of the break point, and then select Add Break Point. You can add break points to assignment and conditional statements. You can add a break point only in lines of the script that show the break point grayed out. To remove a break point, right-click it, and then select Remove Break Point.

    • Add a condition to a break point to stop the execution of the statement only if the condition is met. Only members used in the statement with the breakpoint can be used in the condition.

      To add a condition to a break point, right-click to the right of the break point, and then select Add Condition. In the Add Condition dialog box, click Add Condidtion button, and then enter the condition in the Condition Builder.

      To edit a condition, right-click it, and then select Edit Condition.

    • Debug statements with break points.

      To debug a statement with a break point, right-click the statement, and then select Start Debug. The statement you are debugging is highlighted. The members of the statement, the break points, and the values of the intersection of the members before and after execution are displayed in the following tabs:

      • Members—Shows the current intersection of members at the debug breakpoint. To see the next intersection of members, click Resume Debugging.

      • Breakpoints—Shows the expressions from the script that contain breakpoints. The Values at the Break Point tab displays the expression members with the values as they were before and after the debug was run.


      To resume debugging, click Resume Debugging icon. You must continue clicking Resume Debugging icon until all of the member intersections are debugged. After all of the member intersections are debugged, the message, "The script debugging is complete" is displayed.