Finding and Replacing Text in the Variable Designer

You can search for and replace text in variables within the Variable Designer. You can search through variables of any scope: (global, application, plan or database, or business rule).

You can search for a variable by entering its name in the Find feature of the Variable Designer. You can also search for a text string in a variable. (For example, you can search for a default value used in the variable.)

By default, Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager searches using the variable's default value, any limits defined for it, and any prompt text. If you include the basic properties of the variable in the search, Calculation Manager searches using the variable name, the group, and the description.

You can replace all instances of a variable or text string, or you can replace a selected instance. When you replace text, and the Limits field contains a variable of the type smartlist or number, these are excluded from the replace operation. Replacing these fields may leave the variable definition in an incorrect state (for example, the variable may have an invalid smart list name or a default value that is not within the specified limits.)

To find text in the Variable Designer:

  1. From any view, click the Variable Designer icon.

  2. In the Variable Navigator, right click the application type, Global (Oracle Hyperion Planning and Oracle Hyperion Financial Management users only), the plan type or database, or the business rule in which you want to search, and select Find.

  3. From Any Text, select:

    • Starts With, to display only variables whose names start with characters you specify

    • Ends With, to display only variables whose names end with characters you specify

    • Contains, to display only variables whose names contain characters you specify

    • Matches, to display only variables whose names match characters you specify

  4. In the Search field, enter the text of the variable for which to search.

  5. Select one or more of these options:

    • Select Ignore case if you do not need the case of the text you are searching for to match the case of the text you enter in the Search field.

    • Select Include Basic Properties, to include the variable name, description, and group in the search.

      Ignore case and Include Basic Properties are selected by default when you launch the Variable Designer. If you clear these check boxes, the check boxes remain cleared until you close and reopen the Variable Designer.

    • Select Include variables in child scopes to search for the variable in levels under the selected node. If you are searching for variables at the application type level (for example, Oracle Essbase or Planning), this check box is selected by default and cannot be changed. With this option selected, variables for the applications, plan types, consolidation types, or databases, and business rules are displayed. In addition to columns for the variable name, description, default value, group, and owner, an Application column, Plan Type column, and a Rule column are also displayed in the list of variables.

      If you are searching for variables at the application level, this check box can be selected or cleared. When you select this option, variables for the application, its plan types, consolidation types, or databases, and its business rules are displayed. In addition to columns for the variable name, description, default value, group, and owner, a Plan Type column and a Rule column are also displayed.

      This option is not available when searching for global variables in Planning. When you search on global variables, only global variables display.

  6. Click OK.

    If the text you search for is found, the variables in which it is found are listed on the Replacement or Execution tabs.

After you find text, you can replace one or more instances of the text.

To replace text in the Variable Designer, do either of these tasks:

  • To replace a selected instance of a text string:

    1. Select the variable in which you want to replace the text string.

    2. Select Actions and then Replace Selected.

    3. In the Replace Selected dialog box, in Replace with, enter the text with which to replace the text string.

    4. Click Replace Selected.

  • To replace all instances of the text string:

    1. Select Actions and then Replace All.

    2. In the Replace All dialog box, in Replace with, enter the text with which to replace the text string.

    3. Click Replace All.


Any options you selected while searching for the text string are selected by default in the Find area of the Replace Selected and Replace All dialog boxes and cannot be changed. For example, if you cleared the Ignore case check box when you searched for the text string, the Ignore case check box is cleared in the Replace Selected/Replace All dialog box and cannot be changed.