Selecting Execution Variables to Use as Parameters


Selecting execution variables to use as parameters applies only to Oracle Hyperion Financial Management.

To use an execution variable as a parameters:

  1. Open a business rule.
  2. In the Rule Designer, in the Parameters tab, select an execution variable, and then select Is Parameter.

    When you first open a business rule, the Parameters tab is empty. If you add components to the business rule, and if any of those components use variables, the variables are displayed on this tab.

    If the execution variable has a ruleset scope (it is passed from one business rule to another business rule within the same ruleset) Is Parameter is selected by default.

    If the variable has a rule scope (it can be used only in the business rule for which it is created and is not passed to another business rule) Is Parameter is not selected.

  3. In Passing Method, select By Reference or By Value.


If a business rule contains at least one execution variable for which Is Parameter is selected, when you include this business rule in another business rule or the same business rule, you can specify values for its execution variables in the Parameters tab.