Performance Management Architect and Planning Dimensions Used for Mappings

The imports from Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition do not configure hierarchies in Oracle Data Relationship Management to be immediately used for managing mappings for a target EPM application. Data Relationship Management hierarchies must be separately configured for EPM dimensions using properties included in the Performance Management Architect or Oracle Hyperion Planningapplication templates for Data Relationship Management.


Hierarchies should not be configured with a shared dimension for Performance Management Architect when used to manage member mappings for FDMEE. Hierarchies used to manage mappings for FDMEE should be configured as local dimensions only (using the Essbase/HFM/HP Dimension properties) to ensure the mappings can be appropriately validated against the target application by FDMEE.

At a minimum, the following properties need to be properly configured and populated for the FDMEE mapping export process to function correctly.

  • Dimension

    • ESSBASE.Dimension

    • HFM.Dimension

    • HP.Dimension

  • Membership

    • ESSBASE.Membership

    • HFM.Membership

    • HP.Membership

  • MemberName

    • ESSBASE.MemberName

    • HFM.MemberName

    • HP.MemberName

Dimension (HFM, Essbase, HP)

Configure the following hierarchy level properties to add the appropriate values to the allowed values:

  • HFM.Dimension

  • HP.Dimension

  • ESSBASE.Dimension

This property must be set to the appropriate value for the target Performance Management Architect or Planning hierarchies.


The top nodes of the Performance Management Architect and Planning hierarchies should have this property set to “Parent Member”. Bottom nodes of the Performance Management Architect and Planning dimensions will derive to “Member Node” by default. In the locations where mapped nodes are beneath the actual bottom nodes of the Performance Management Architect and Planning dimension nodes, the bottom Performance Management Architect and Planning dimension nodes will need to be set to “Base Member.”


This property returns the name of the node if the node is either a “Parent Member” or “Base Member” if it is at the top of the hierarchy it returns a blank otherwise it rolls up the ancestor chain and returns the first node name that is either a “Parent Member” or “Base Member.” For this to work with the mapping exports the appropriate Membership properties have to be set.