Changing User Roles and Assignments

To change user roles and assignments:

  1. On the Home page, select Administer.
  2. Under Security, expand Users.
  3. Select a user and click Edit button.
  4. On the Roles tab, select roles from the Available list to assign to the user. Use the arrows to move roles to the Selected list.
  5. On the Node Access Groups tab, select groups from the Available list to assign to the user. Use the arrows to move the groups to the Selected list.
  6. On the Property Categories tab. select categories from the Available list to assign to the user. Use the arrows to move the categories to the Selected list.
  7. For each category in the selected list, do the following:
    1. Click Edit button and set the user's access (Read or Edit) to the category.
    2. Select Update button to save the change.
  8. Click Save button.