Creating Dynamic Scripts

Dynamic scripts are created in the script editor which is available on the Parameters tab for derived property definitions and validations.

The script editor is also available when calculating a Name or Parent during a governance workflow task.


When calculating parent names, any use of special characters must follow the standard JavaScript rules for escaping special characters. For more information, see "Naming Nodes" in Oracle Data Relationship Management User's Guide .

To create a dynamic script:

  1. Enter the script in the text area.


    To insert a property, place your cursor in the script and click Insert Property. A list of properties is displayed. Select a property and click OK.

  2. Make selections from the following options:
    • Script Timeout––The number of seconds until the script times out.

    • To evaluate the script with a selected node, click Ellipsis button and select a node. The node's current property values are used in the script. Click Evaluate. The result is displayed at the bottom of the script designer.

  3. To test the script, click Evaluate.