Deleting Properties

If a property definition is deleted from Oracle Data Relationship Management, then the following conditions apply:

  • The dependency check for property definitions is modified to include workflow metadata references, and the user must confirm the deletion. Property definition dependencies for workflow metadata consist of the following

    • Workflow Task Properties

    • Workflow Task Validation Properties

    • Change Request Item Details

  • Upon confirmation, if a property is deleted, then each dependent reference to the property is also deleted, including assignment to workflow tasks, pending updates to in-flight requests, and historical change requests.

  • As with interactive deletion of a property definition, transaction history is always retained.

To delete a property:

  1. From the Home page, select Administer.
  2. Under Metadata, expand Property Definitions.
  3. Select a property and click Delete button.
  4. Select Delete Property Definition to confirm the deletion.


    The deletion of a property definition will also result in the deletion of all values stored for the property as well as the removal of the property from all metadata objects where it was being used.