Enumeration Constants

Certain properties are numbers that correspond to named constants, making your code easier to understand and maintain. For example, instead of using:

if(nodeProp.PropOrigin == 2) you can use if(nodeProp.PropOrigin == PropOrigin.Overridden)

Property Enumeration Constants

  • DataType––Boolean, LeafNode, Date, Time, Float, Integer, Sort, Group, Node, LimbNode, String, Hier, Version, ListGroup, MultiNode, AscNode, AscNodes, AscGroup, Memo, FormatMemo, SortProp, Property, Query, StdQuery, GlobalNode, NodeProps, RangeList, DateTime, Hyperlink, HierarchyGroup

  • PropLevel––Node, Hier, Version

  • PropOrigin––Default, Inherited, Overridden, InheritedHier, InheritedVer, Derived, InheritedDomain, Unknown

  • PropType––Invalid, System, Defined, Lookup, Derived, Stats, Validation, Verification, LimbAccessGroup, LeafAccessGroup, UserSpecific, RWDerived, SharedInfo

Validation Enumeration Constants

  • ValidationLevel––Node, Hier, Version, GlobalNodes, Merge, Move, Remove

  • ValidationType––None, RealTime, Batch, Both

Request Enumeration Constants

  • WorkflowAction––AddLeaf, AddLimb, Update, Inactivate, Insert, Move, Remove, Delete

  • WorkflowStageType––Submit, Enrich, Approve, Commit

  • WorkflowStatus––None, Draft, Submitted, Calculated, Validated, PushedBack, Pending, Assigned, Claimed, Escalated, DeEscalated, Rejected, Committed


    The WorkflowStatus enumeration is used to return the RequestObject.Status current value for a request. However, some values are used internally only. The valid values for RequestObject.Status are: Draft, Submitted, Pending, Claimed, Escalated, Rejected, or Commited.