Property Categories

Property categories enable the grouping of Oracle Data Relationship Management properties and are used to control the assignment of security privileges to sets of properties. Core properties available by default are only located in a single property category. Custom properties created by application administrators can be associated with multiple property categories.

Data Relationship Management includes the core property categories described in the following table.

Table 8-1 Property Categories

Category Description


Properties related to the basic identifying characteristics of a node, such as ID, name, and description.

The only change that can be made to this category is assigning the read-only flag for individual users. Users with read access cannot edit values but can view them. Properties cannot be assigned to this category.

Shared Info

Provides information about which nodes are primary/shared, a list of related shared nodes, and identifies whether the primary node is missing.

This category is only displayed when Shared Nodes is enabled via system preferences.

Note: All properties in this category are read only.


Properties that provide statistical information about a node such as number of children and number or siblings

Note: All properties in this category are read only.


Validations assigned for the node—one property for each validation

Leaf Access

Node security groups and their leaf access levels for the node—one property for each group

Limb Access

Node security groups and their limb access levels for the node—one property for each group


Not all property categories are visible to all users because user access can be restricted to specific categories and the node types can be filtered. The Validation, Leaf Access, and Limb Access categories are available only to users assigned the Data Manager role and are only accessible when assigning validations or node access group security.