Setting Up Change Approval

The change approval system in Oracle Data Relationship Management enables you to define approval groups and tie them to an approval flag that is triggered by a set of properties or special actions. This allows normal users to make changes and approvers to run a query and then set the approval flag as needed.

The systems preferences that determine the behavior of the change approval in Data Relationship Management are:

  • UseChangeApproval––Set to True to turns on use of change approval.

  • ApprovalGroups––A comma-delimited list of the names for the approval groups used in the system.

  • ApprovalGroupTrackProperties––If UseChangeApproval is True, defines properties that are tracked that will trigger a change of the approval flag to False for this group. The format is xxx[a,b,c],yyy[d,e,f]... where xxx and yyy are sales groups defined in the ApprovalGroups preference and a,b,c,d,e,f are property names. For example, Sales[Custom.SalesGroup,{NodeMove}],Treasury[Custom.AccountDescription,{NodeAdd}].

    Special actions that can be included in the property list are:

    • {NodeAdd}––Triggers the Approval Needed mechanism on an added node.

    • {NodeInactivate}––Triggers the Approval Needed mechanism on an inactivated node.

    • {NodeReactivate}––Triggers the Approval Needed mechanism on a reactivated node.

    • {NodeInsert}––Triggers the Approval Needed mechanism on an inserted node.

    • {NodeRemove}––Triggers the Approval Needed mechanism on a removed node.

    • {NodeMove}––Triggers the Approval Needed mechanism on a moved node.

  • ApprovalPropertyByApprovalGroup––If UseChangeApproval is True, defines the global, boolean property to set to False if any of the trigger properties are changed or the special actions are used. The format is xxx:bbbb,yyy:cccc…where xxx and yyy are sales groups defined in the ApprovalGroups preference and bbbb and cccc are the names for the global, boolean properties to be used to store the approval flag for the groups, for example, Sales:Custom.SalesApprovedFlag,Treasury:Custom.TreasuryApprovedFlag.