Special Characters

In certain functions for which parameter values contain special characters (for example: comma, space, tab), use brackets ([]). For example, FlipList(PropValue(Custom.NodeList),[comma]) performs the FlipList function on the comma-delimited list returned from the function call PropValue(Custom.NodeList).

The following functions can take comma, space, or tab, in brackets ([]), for the Delimiter parameter: ArrayCount, ArrayIndex, ArrayItem, FlipList, Intersection, ListContains, PadList, RangeListContains, IsRangeListSubset, MinList, MaxList, AvgList, SumList, SortList, ListDistinct, ListNodePropValues, and ListNodesWith.

The ReplaceStr function, which requires parameters for the old and new patterns, can take comma, space, tab, crlf, cr, lf, openparen, or closeparen, in brackets ([]), in addition to normal text strings.


Parameter values that contain literal commas will result in this syntax error, "Invalid number of parameters". A comma-delimited list passed in as the result of a function call is a valid use and will be handled as expected. For example:

Invalid syntax: FlipList(a,b,c,[comma])

Valid syntax: FlipList(PropValue(Custom.NodeList),[comma]) where Custom.NodeList value = a,b,c