User Permissions

Oracle Data Relationship Management uses three levels of permissions to control user access to product features and data. Some higher-level permissions also include lower-level permissions. If a user is granted higher-level permission, then all lower-level permissions are also granted. For example, if a user is granted a Level 1 permission, they are also granted all Level 2 and 3 permissions below it.

Version Permissions

Table 4-1 Version Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Manage Versions––User has access to Version and Hierarchy menu options

Browse Versions––Users have access to any version that they are granted rights to in Node Access Groups


Create Versions––Users can manage (update/delete) any version of which they are the owner. User has access to Version menu options.

Note: The user who creates a version is the owner until a user with Manage Versions permission changes the owner.


Manage Hierarchies––Users have access to Hierarchy menu options.

Browse Hierarchies––Users have access to any hierarchy that they are granted rights to in Node Access Groups. Users have access to Node menu options if they have Edit node access or greater.

Create Hierarchies––Users can manage (update/delete) any hierarchy of which they are the owner. Users have access to Hierarchy menu options. Users can disable node types for any hierarchy of which they are the owner.

Note: The user who creates a hierarchy is the owner until a user with Manage Hierarchies permission changes the owner.

Request Permissions

Table 4-2 Request Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Manage Requests––Users can delete any request in the system that has not already been committed.

Create Requests––Users can query any request in the system and can manage (update/delete) any request of which they are the owner.


Workflow Participant––Users can participate in requests using governance workflow models.



Query Permissions

Table 4-3 Query Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Manage System Queries––Users have access to system queries and to Query menu options. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.

Manage User Queries––Users have access to view and run User and Standard queries. Users do not have access to Query menu options for Standard Queries. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.

Run Query––Users can view and run any Standard query. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security. Users have access to Node menu options if they have Edit node access or greater.

Manage Standard Queries––Users have access to Query menu options for Standard queries. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.


Compare Permissions

Table 4-4 Compare Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Manage System Compares––Users have access to system compares and Compare menu options. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.

Manage User Compares––Users have access to view and run User and Standard compares. Users do not have access to Compare menu options for Standard Compares. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.

Run Compare––Users can view and run any Standard compare. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security. Users have access to Node menu options if they have Edit node access or greater.

Manage Standard Compares––Users have access to Compare menu options for Standard compares. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.


Import Permissions

Table 4-5 Import Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Manage System Imports––Users have access to system imports and Import menu options. Users have restricted access to Property selector based on Property Category security.

Manage User Imports––Users have access to view and run User and Standard imports. Users do not have access to Import menu options for Standard Imports. Users have restricted access to Property selector based on Property Category security.

Run Import––Users can view and run any Standard import. Users have restricted access to Property selector based on Property Category security.

Manage Standard Imports––Users have access to Import menu options for Standard imports. Users have restricted access to Property selector based on Property Category security.


Blender Permissions

Table 4-6 Blender Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Manage System Blenders––Users have access to system blenders and Blender menu options. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.

Manage User Blenders––Users have access to view and run User and Standard blenders. Users do not have access to Blender menu options for Standard Blenders.

Run Blender––Users can view and run any Standard blender. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.

Manage Standard Blenders––Users have access to Blender menu options for Standard blenders. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.


Export Permissions

Table 4-7 Export Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Manage System Exports––Users have access to system exports and Export menu options. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.

Manage User Exports––Users have access to view and run User and Standard exports and books. Users do not have access to Export menu options for Standard exports and books. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security

Run Export––Users can view and run any Standard exports. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.

Manage Standard Exports––Users have access to Export menu options for Standard exports and books. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.


Script Permissions

Table 4-8 Script Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Run Action Script––Users can run action scripts. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.



Audit Permissions

Table 4-9 Audit User Transaction Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Audit User Transactions––Users can query any transactions that they performed. Transactions can include data and metadata changes and logged actions such as Login and running asynchronous operations. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.



Table 4-10 Audit Data Transaction Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Audit Data Transactions––Users can query any transactions for data objects they have access to in Permissions or Node Access Groups. Transactions can include transactions performed by the user and changes made by other users. For node-level transactions, users can query transactions for a node and all of its descendants (Include Child Nodes option), assuming the user also has read access to all descendants. Users have restricted access to Version, Hierarchy, Node, and Property selectors based on Node Access Group assignments and Property Category security.



Table 4-11 Audit System Transaction Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Audit System Transactions––Users can query any transactions that they performed. Transactions can include data and metadata changes and logged actions such as Login and running asynchronous operations.



Application Permissions

Table 4-12 Application Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Manage Application

Manage Categories

Browse Categories––Users have access to any property category that they are granted rights to in Property Category security.

Manage Properties

Browse Properties––Users have access to all properties for the property categories that they are granted rights to in Property Category security.

Manage Property Lists––User can manage lists of values and lookup tables for property definitions.

Manage Validations


Manage Node Types


Manage Preferences


Access Permissions

Table 4-13 Access Permissions

Permission Level 1 Permission Level 2 Permission Level 3

Manage Access

Manage Users––Users cannot edit or delete their own user profile.


Manage Roles––Users cannot edit their own role assignment.


Manage Access Groups––Users cannot edit their own Node Access Group assignment.


Manage Property Access––Users cannot edit their own Property Category assignment.