Validation Levels

The validation level defines the scope of a business rule. For node validations, the level can also include the type of action that needs to be performed in order for the validation to run. The following table defines each validation level and indicates:

  • Whether the validation can run in batch mode, real-time mode, or both.

  • Where the validation gets assigned.

  • On which object the validation operates.

Table 10-2 Validation Levels

Validation Level Runs in Batch or Real-time Where Assigned Operates On

Node––Reviews node relationships and properties to ensure criteria are met.

Use to determine whether a node level string property value has a valid length.

Real-time or Batch

Version, Hierarchy, or Node

Local Node

Hierarchy––Reviews properties in a hierarchy to ensure criteria are met. Can be assigned and run at the hierarchy or version levels.

Use to ensure that a hierarchy has no more than 10,000 nodes.


Version or Hierarchy


Version––Reviews the properties of a version.

Use to ensure that a version contains no more than 100,000 nodes.




Global Node––Assigned at a version level. Validates every node in the version regardless of hierarchy, including orphans. Only properties defined as global are reviewed.

Use to ensure that all nodes within a version have a unique property value.



Global Node

Merge––Runs when an operation requiring a merge (for example, a delete or an inactivate) is performed. Assigned at the version level.

Use to ensure that a leaf node is merged only into another leaf node.



Global Node

Move––A validation triggered when an attempt is made to move a node. Assigned at the hierarchy level.

Use to prevent moving of cost centers within a hierarchy.



Local Node

Remove––Similar to the Move level. Runs when an attempt is made to remove or delete a node from a hierarchy. Can be used to prevent specified types of nodes from being deleted.

Use to prevent the deletion of cost center nodes from a hierarchy.


Version or Hierarchy

Global Node