Adding and Inserting Shared Nodes

You can use the add or insert menu options to create a shared node. You can create a shared node by doing a Take/Put across hierarchies, when the node already exists in the target hierarchy. You can create the same result by dragging/dropping across two hierarchies in a side-by-side compare result.


Before creating a shared node, make sure you have completed Enabling Shared Nodes.

To add a shared node:

  1. Select the node where you want to insert a shared node.

  2. From Nodes, select Add.

  3. If the shared node is a leaf, select Leaf Node.

  4. Enter the name of the existing node that you want to add.

  5. Select If Node already exists, Insert the Node.

  6. For Add As, select Child or Sibling.

  7. Click OK.

To insert a shared node:

  1. Select the node where you want to insert a shared node.

  2. From Nodes, select Insert.

  3. For Insert From, make sure that Existing Hierarchy is selected.

  4. Select a hierarchy.

  5. From the Nodes list, select the node to share.

  6. For Insert As, select Child or Sibling.

  7. Click OK.

In this example, node ABC is a primary node under Node1 and a shared node under Node2.

Shared node example.