Annulling Nodes

When you annul a node, the node is removed from the parent, and, if it becomes an orphan, the orphan node is deleted. For example, if a node is annulled in one of several hierarchies where it exists, then the node is just removed from that hierarchy and other hierarchies where it had the same parent. If a node is annulled from its parent in the only hierarchy it exists in, then Annul results in the node being deleted.

You can use the Annul All Below command to annul multiple nodes. Annul All Below used on a node that has descendants results in the entire branch being removed from the hierarchy and all nodes that do not exist in another hierarchy being deleted from the version.

To annul a node:

  1. From Browse, select a version.
  2. Select a hierarchy.
  3. From Hierarchies, select Open.

    The top node of the hierarchy is displayed in a node tree.

  4. Select a node.
  5. From Nodes, select an action:
    • Annul––To annul the selected node

    • Annul All Below––To annul all nodes below the selected node


      This option is available only if you select a limb node.

  6. Select Annul Node.

    When the version tree refreshes, the node is no longer displayed.