Assigning Nodes to Domains

You can assign nodes to domains at the version level.

To assign nodes to domains:

  1. From Browse, select a version.
  2. From Versions select Domain Membership.
  3. You can select from the following options:
    • Default Domain only––Qualified nodes are assigned to the specified domain.

    • Override Property only––Qualified nodes are assigned to the domain specified in the override property.


      An override property is a designated global property with a domain name value used for domain name qualification and domain assignment.

    • Default Domain and Override Property––If both options are specified, the default domain is used only when the override property value at the node is blank. If the override property value is invalid, then the default domain is not used and an error occurs.

    • Inclusion Filter––Use with any name qualification options; only qualified nodes in the filter results are assigned to the domain specified in Override Property or Default Domain

  4. Click OK.


    After a node is made a member of a domain assigned to the version, you cannot remove the domain from the version unless all of the domain nodes are deleted from the version or the domain itself is deleted.