Creating As-Of Versions

An As-Of version is a snapshot of a normal version as of a given point in time. This type of version is created using the baseline version and applying changes from the transaction log up to the specified point in time. Only users who are the owner of a version or who have a user role of Data Manager can create an As-Of version.

You can specify an As-Of version using:

  • A date and time

  • A date offset from the current date

  • A specific transaction ID

When creating an As-Of version using types Transaction Date/Time or Transaction Date Offset (days), the version name includes the date/time and time zone of the client browser that created the As-Of version.

Example: Departments - As-Of: 2014-08-13 10:55:03 (Mountain Daylight Time).

The date/time and time zone in the version name are static to easily identify the origin of the As-Of version. The date/time and time zone are not UTC values and are not recalculated for different client time zones.

When creating an As-Of version using type Transaction ID, the version name includes the specified transaction ID.

Example: Departments - As-Of:1000

To create an As-Of version:

  1. From Browse, select a normal version.
  2. Select Versions, then Create As-Of Version.
  3. Select the As-Of Type: Transaction Date/Time, Transaction Date Offset (Days), or Transaction ID.
  4. Perform an action:
    • For Transaction Date/Time, enter the date and time for the snapshot and click OK.

    • For Transaction Date Offset (Days), enter the number of days offset from the current date and the time of day and then click OK.

    • For Transaction ID, enter the transaction ID and click OK.

    When the version tree refreshes, the As-Of version is displayed as a child of its normal version.