Custom Sort Order

Nodes can also be sorted in any explicit custom sort order. The sort order can be defined by any property that has a property data type of Sort.

To sort a hierarchy according to the value of a node-level sort order property, the hierarchy-level property StandardHierSort must be set to point to the appropriate node-level property that contains the sort order.

A custom sort order can also be used that applies only to a specific Oracle Data Relationship Management user ID, enabling users to customize their display of Data Relationship Management data without impacting other users of the same hierarchy. This is controlled by the hierarchy-level property UserHierSort. If this property has been set to point to a node-level property that has a data type of Sort Order, then this sort order takes precedence over both the StandardHierSort property and the default sort order.

If there is no value assigned to the hierarchy-level property StandardHierSort nor to UserHierSort, then default sorting rules are used.

The value of a custom sort order property can be set in any of the following ways:

  • Sort order values can be loaded into a node-level sort order property when data is initially imported into Data Relationship Management.

  • Explicit values can be defined for the sort order property for any node. This property accepts an integer value.

  • If a sort order property has been selected for a hierarchy’s StandardHierSort or UserHierSort properties, use the Take/Put options or drag and drop to custom order nodes within a hierarchy.

  • A node-level custom sort order can also be calculated using a derived Sort property.