Orphan Nodes

An orphan node is defined as a node that exists in a version but is not assigned to a hierarchy within the version. Orphans may exist pending a cleanup to completely remove them, or they may be awaiting reassignment to hierarchies in the version.

Although they are not associated with any hierarchy, orphan nodes can have global relationships to other nodes in the version. It is possible for an orphan node to have descendants that are not orphans. To avoid this, review the list of orphan nodes regularly.

Viewing Orphan Nodes

To view orphan nodes:

  1. Select the Orphans tab.

    For each orphan node, the number of descendants is displayed.

  2. Select a node.

  3. Perform an action:

    • Select Related and then Descendants or Children to view a node's relationships.

    • Select Node and then Properties to view a node's properties.

    • Click Filter button to search for an orphan node by name, description, or number of descendants.

    • Select Node and then Take/Copy to copy the selected node to the clipboard.

    • Select Download and then choose a format in which to download the list of orphan nodes.

Deleting Orphan Nodes

You can delete or destroy orphan nodes. If you select destroy, the node is deleted immediately regardless of any merge requirements. If you delete an orphan node, the node and all of its relationships to other nodes in the version are also deleted.

To delete orphan nodes:

  1. Select the Orphans tab.

  2. Select one or more nodes.

  3. From Node, select Delete or Destroy.


    If the UseMerge system preference is enabled, you can select Delete & Merge, then select a node to use in place of the deleted node.

  4. Confirm the Delete or Destroy command.

    When the orphan list refreshes, the node is no longer displayed.