Running, Copying, Moving, and Deleting Blenders

You can run, copy, move, and delete saved blenders. You must open a blender before you can run it.

To run a blender:

  1. On the Home page, select Blend and then select a blender to run.

  2. Click Open toolbar button.

  3. Click the tabs to modify the blender parameters, and then click Run query toolbar button. to run the blender.

To copy a blender:

  1. On the Home page, select Blend and then select a blender to copy.

  2. From Blenders, select Copy.

  3. Enter a new name and description for the blender.

  4. From Object Access Group, select a custom group or one of the following:

    • User––Personal objects that are only available to an individual user to view and run.

    • Standard––Public objects that are available to all users to view and run. Only Data Manager users can create and modify standard blenders.

    • System––Restricted objects that are only available to Application Administrator role users to view and run.

  5. Click OK.

To move a blender:

  1. On the Home page, select Blend, and then select a blender to move.

  2. From Blenders, select Move.

  3. From Object Access Group, select a different group and click OK.

To delete a blender:

  1. On the Home page, select Blend and then select a blender to delete.

  2. From Blenders, select Delete.