Version Type and Status

Version information is available from the Browse task on the navigation bar. Each version has the following characteristics:

  • Version name

  • Version description

  • Type

    • Normal––A version that can be edited and its status modified.

    • Baseline––A copy of the normal version at the time it was saved. This version type has a status of Expired.

    • As-Of––A historical view of a normal version based on a time period or transaction ID.

  • Status

    • Working––Users can edit versions with this status.

    • Submitted––Only users who are the owner of a version or with a user role of Data Manager can edit versions with this status.

    • Finalized––No one can edit versions with this status.

    • Expired––No one can edit versions with this status.


      Only Data Manager users or version owners can see Expired versions.

  • Saved––Specifies if the version is saved to the database or not. If not saved, the version is detached from the database and changes are made in memory only and will be lost if the application is stopped.

  • Load Status––Specifies if the version is loaded into memory and ready to use or initialized but not loaded into memory.