11 Working with Action Scripts

Action Scripts allow you to process a bulk set of incremental changes in an automated fashion. Each record within the script represents a separate action to be performed and is processed individually from other actions. Actions of different types can be grouped together in the same script. Action Scripts are particularly useful when you need to perform the same set of actions for multiple versions, hierarchies, or nodes. You can leave the Action Script page while a script is running and return to the page later to view the results. You can also view results of the Action Script.


When running Action Scripts, the regional settings of your client session are used to define the expected format for date and time values for the Action Script. If these settings are not detected, then the regional settings for the server are used. For example, if the regional setting for your session specifies that date should be formatted as dd.mm.yyyy, then the data given to the Action Script should be in that format. Otherwise, the information does not display or displays incorrectly.