Working With Validation Results

Navigating Version and Hierarchy Results in List View

Batch validation results are displayed in a list on the Validation Results tab of the Home page. Validation failure messages are grouped by version and hierarchy. You can navigate from hierarchy validation results to node-level validation results.

Navigating Node Results in List View

Nodes that failed batch validations are displayed in a list on the Validation Results tab for an open hierarchy. The failure messages for each node can be viewed by clicking the plus sign next to the row for the node. You can directly edit the properties for selected nodes from the validation results.

From the Node menu, you can select these options:

  • Take –– Copies a node to the Clipboard from which you can insert it, move it, reorder it, or paste its properties somewhere else.

  • Go to Node — Takes you to the selected node in the tree view

  • Show Filter Row — Opens a blank row that you can use to filter the list

  • Properties — Displays the node properties on the Properties tab

Navigating Node Results in Tree View

On the Tree tab of an open hierarchy, nodes that failed batch validations are displayed with red exclamation marks on the left side of the row for each node.

You can use the following toolbar buttons:

Table 7-1 Tree View Toolbar Button

Toolbar Button Description
Move to parent node button

Navigates to the parent of the selected node.

Move to previously selected node button

Navigates to the previously selected marked node.

Move to next marked node

Navigates to the next marked node.

Expand to marked nodes

Expands the tree to display the marked nodes.

Clear marked nodes

Clears the marked nodes.

Downloading Node Results

From the List and Tree views, you can download the validation results to the following file types:

  • Portable Document Format (PDF)

  • Rich Text Document (RTF)

  • Spreadsheet (XLS)


In List View, you can also download to a CSV file.

To download query results in list view:

  1. From Download, select a file type.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Browse to the directory where you want to download the document, enter a name for the document, and click Save.

Clearing Validation Results

Batch validation results can be removed from display by clearing them at the version or hierarchy level.

To clear validation results for a version and all hierarchies in the version:

  1. Select a version.

  2. From Versions, select Clear Validation Results.

    Validation results are no longer displayed for any version, hierarchy, or node within the version.

To clear validation results for a hierarchy and all of its nodes:

  1. Select a version and hierarchy.

  2. From Hierarchies, select Clear Validation Results.