Configuring Web Servers

On the UI Web Servers tab, list the servers that are configured to run the Oracle Data Relationship Management Web client application.

On this tab, you can also:

  • Configure additional Web server attributes for calculating node URLs on the Web Farm tab.

  • Set up anonymous profiles which allow access to the Web client via a custom URL without the user having to log in on the Anonymous Profiles tab.

To configure Web Servers:

  1. In the Configuration Console, select Host Machines and then UI Web Servers.
  2. On the Host Servers tab, enter the name of the server(s) that are configured to run the Data Relationship Management Web client application.


    The computer name must be listed here in order for the application to be displayed in the application list for the Data Relationship Management Web client when a user logs into Data Relationship Management.

  3. On the Web Farm tab, do the following:
    1. In Host Name, enter the computer name to be used for all calculated node URLs
    2. Enter the host port number.


      The default is 80.

    3. In Path, enter the directory application path for the Data Relationship Management logon page.


      The default is http://localhost/drm-web-client.

    4. Select Uses SSL to use "https://" computed URLs. Otherwise, "http://" is used.
    5. Click the Test URL link to verify that the link is valid.
  4. On the Anonymous Profiles tab, do the following:
    1. Enter a name in the Add Profile text box.
    2. Click the plus sign ( + ) to add the profile to the list of profiles.
    3. Enter login credentials for the profile.
    4. Click Save Profile to validate and save the new profile in memory.
    5. Click Save Configuration to permanently save the profile to the Data Relationship Management configuration.


    All profiles on this tab are saved to the servers on the Host Servers tab.

    The anonymous access URL is created in this format: http://DRM_Web_Server/drm-web-client/Logon.aspx?app=DRM_App_Name&login=Anonymous

    For example, http://localhost/drm-web-client/Logon.aspx?app=DRMApp1&login=AnonUser1