Creating a Repository

The Repository Wizard in the Configuration Console allows you to create a new repository or upgrade a repository.


Each Oracle Data Relationship Management application needs it own repository. Two applications should never be configured to use the same repository.


Depending on the configuration of the network, DNS setup and IPv4/IPv6 configuration and localhost settings, and since these settings vary widely across implementation topologies, it may be necessary to set up the Data Relationship Management service connection to the repository using the appropriate Fully Qualified Domain Name or the static IP address and the database service identifier.

To create a new repository:

  1. Click the Repository Wizard button.
  2. Select Create a new repository.
    • Optional: Select Estimate size based on existing repository to create a new repository based on the size of an existing repository.

    • Optional: Select Generate SQL scripts to create and download database creation scripts to run at a later time

  3. Click Next.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • If you are generating scripts, go to Generating SQL Scripts.

    • If you selected any other option in the previous step, continue to the next step.

  5. Do the following:
    • Select the database provider: Oracle or SQL Server.

    • Enter the connection to the target database where the new repository will reside.

    • Enter the user ID and password for an administrator who has rights to create a database schema and data files.


      For SQL Server, only SQL accounts are supported.

    • Optional: For Connection Timeout, enter the number of seconds to wait for a connection to open before canceling the attempt and generating an error. The default is 60 seconds. For Command Timeout, enter the number of seconds to wait for a command to execute before canceling the command and generating an error. The default is 900 seconds.


      Setting the timeout value to zero indicates no timeout is used. These settings are saved in the drm-config.xml and are used by the engines when they start. To perform large operations (such as a large version delete), set the Command Timeout to a larger value than the default.

    • Click Test Connection.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Do one of the following:
  8. Enter the user id and password which will be created as the schema owner for the Data Relationship Management repository.
  9. Accept the default tablespace settings or make changes and click Next.


    It is highly recommended that dedicated tablespaces be used for Data, Indexes, Transactions, and Properties. The default tablespace names may already be in use, and will be re-used if a new tablespace name is not specified.

  10. On the Application Administrator Creation page, enter a password for the Administrator user and click Next.
  11. On the Create Repository Confirmation page, review the settings and click Next to start the creation process.

    When the database has been created a success message is displayed.

  12. Click Next.


    Repository creation, copy, and upgrade information is written to the Repository Wizard log. Click Save Log on the Repository Operation Complete page of the wizard to save the log file.

  13. On the Repository Operation Complete screen, click Finish.

    You are returned to the main screen of the console where you can review the settings.


    If you entered the Repository Wizard from the menu bar, Finish returns you to the first page of the wizard. If you entered the wizard from the button on the application tab, clicking Finish applies the settings to the selected application. If you click Cancel, the repository is still created, but the settings are not applied to any application. The new database is applied when you save the configuration.

  14. Click Save Configuration, otherwise connection information is lost when the console is closed.