Configuring EPM Registry Settings

Oracle Data Relationship Management application settings must be registered in the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services EPM Registry to enable Common User Provisioning.


You can unregister an application by clicking Unregister. To unregister an application, the CSS Bridge must be enabled and the application that you are unregistering must be running.

To register a Data Relationship Management application:

  1. Ensure that you have enabled the API adapter and CSS bridge for the Data Relationship Management application and set the authentication setting to CSS or Mixed.

    See Configuring API Adapter Hosts, Configuring the CSS Bridge, and Configuring Authentication Settings.

  2. In the Configuration Console, select EPM Registry and then on the Application tab specify the Data Relationship Management Web service by providing this information:

    • HTTP or HTTPS protocol

    • Host computer name of the Web service

    • Port number

    • Application context — Name of the WebLogic application for the Web service


    This information is combined into a URL; for example, http://servername:managedServerPort/oracle-epm-drm-webservices

    where http is the protocol, servername is the host computer name of the Web service, managedServerPort is the port number of the managed server, and oracle-epm-drm-webservices is the name of the WebLogic application for the Web service.

  3. Specify the Data Relationship Management user credentials used for the integration.

  4. Click Register.