Purging Deleted Version Records

Database records for deleted versions are permanently removed from the Oracle Data Relationship Management repository as a scheduled task. This process reduces the impact on performance of other system operations by allowing the delete process to be run during periods of low system usage. An administrator can configure frequency and blackout settings for the purge process.

To permanently delete all version-related records for versions that have been marked for deletion:

  1. In the Configuration Console, select an application and then select Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Click Load Settings to populate the current settings as saved in the Data Relationship Management system preferences.
  3. Enter a number for the frequency of the purge and then select the unit of time as hours, minutes, or seconds.
  4. Optional: To set a blackout window when scheduled purges should not run, enter the start time for the blackout and then select how long (in hours) the blackout should last.
  5. Click Save Settings.