
Error Cause Workaround

DRM-61043: The following error occurred registering the application with HSS: Can't find 'com/oracle/drm/EpmRegistryclient'

In Oracle Data Relationship Management, the JAR ..\DataRelationshipManagement\server\jar\drm-epm-registry.jar was not part of the release. This was added later to provide expanded EPM Registry integration.

In Data Relationship Management, this entry must exist in the Class Path list below the CSS Tab in the Data Relationship Management Console, and the upgrade will not auto-insert that Class Path line into the Data Relationship Management Config XML file.

Add the additional Class Path manually to the config in the Data Relationship Management Console. You must restart Data Relationship Management to propagate the Class Path update completely. Restarting the Data Relationship Management Console executable alone is not sufficient for the change to take effect.