Selecting Members

Use Member Selection to determine which form members to select for prediction. Full predictions, the default, choose all members on the form. "Bottom-up" predictions choose members at the lowest level of the hierarchy for forms built to aggregate results up to higher level members. "Top-down" predictions choose members at the highest level of the hierarchy for forms built to push results down to lower level members. Optionally, you can skip any read-only members.


Full prediction as a default is available in Predictive Planning Release Patch Set Update (PSU): (21548453) only. For information on the changes and on updating to, see the Predictive Planning Readme and My Oracle Support. Without this patch, Predictive Planning uses "Bottom-up" predictions by default.


When running predictions, users can override these settings using the Change Member Selection button on the Run Confirmation dialog. Its settings are similar to the following but they apply only temporarily to the current Predictive Planning session.

To indicate which members on a form to include in a prediction:

  1. Open the Settings dialog.
  2. On Member Selection, select a prediction type:
    • Bottom-up (lowest level members only)—Includes only the lowest level members in the hierarchy included on the form, the lowest level for each dimension if multiple dimensions are included

    • Top-down (highest level members only)—Includes only the highest level members in the hierarchy included on the form, the highest level for each dimension if multiple dimensions are included

    • Full (all members)—Predicts all members regardless of their hierarchy level; the default

  3. Optional: Select Skip 'read only' members, which includes only members with writable (editable) cells in the prediction. Members with read-only cells typically include calculated summary data that is stored in the dimension hierarchy.
  4. Optional: Set or reset defaults using one of the following selections:
    • Click Set Default to store settings on all tabs as application defaults.

    • Click OK to store settings on all tabs as individual defaults for only this form.

    • Click Reset at any time to restore the predefined defaults shipped with Predictive Planning or application defaults set with Set Default. This resets all tabs of the dialog.


      For more information about defaults, see Application and Individual Form Defaults.

  5. Optional: To leave the dialog without changing defaults, click Cancel.