Before Starting Provisioning

Before starting provisioning, ensure that the following activities are complete.

  • Plan how to provision Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products:

    • Understand the available roles. See Foundation Services Roles for a list of EPM System product roles.

    • Understand available artifact-level access permissions. Many EPM System applications enforce artifact-level provisioning using Access Control Lists (ACL) to restrict access to artifacts. For example, an account is a Oracle Hyperion Planning artifact for which access rights can be set.

    • Configure the external user directories that contain accounts for EPM System users and groups. See Configuring User Directories.

    • Identify the users and groups to provision. These users and groups can belong to Native Directory or to an external user directory.

  • Determine the provisioning mode: centralized (default) or Delegated Administration mode. The scope of the roles assigned to Delegated Administrators is limited to the delegated lists assigned to them. For example, if user Admin1 is assigned the Essbase Provisioning Manager role for DelegatedList1, Admin1 can provision only the users from DelegatedList1. See Delegated User Management.