Creating Taskflows

To create taskflows:

  1. Open the Manage Task Flows screen. See Accessing the Manage Taskflow Screen.

  2. In Manage Task Flows, click New.

  3. In Name, enter a unique taskflow name.

  4. In Application, enter the name of the application to which this taskflow belongs.

    The application name is used to categorize applications in the Manage Taskflows screen.

  5. For Description, enter a taskflow description.

  6. Click Submit.

    The taskflow editor, which allows you to add stages and links, is displayed.

  7. Add stages to the taskflow:

    1. On General, enter the following information:

      • Name: Enter a stage name.

      • UserName: Enter the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System user whose account will be used to initiate the taskflow stage.

      • Password: Enter the password of the user identified in the UserName field.

    2. On Processing, enter the following information:

      1. In Application, select an application from which to run the task.

      2. In Action, select an action to perform and then enter the required information.

        Actions available in Actions list reflect the selected application. For a list of actions for each EPM System component, see the following topics:

        • See Table 8-1 for a list of available Oracle Hyperion Shared Services actions.

        • See the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management User's Guide for a list of Oracle Hyperion Financial Management actions.

    3. On Starting Event, enter the following information to schedule an event:

      1. In Starting Event, select Scheduled Event.

      2. In Start Date, enter the date on which the task is to be run.

      3. In Start Time, select a time at which the task should start.

      4. If this task is to be repeated, select the Recurrence, and in Recurrence Pattern, select the task frequency.

      5. Select an option for the task end date and time:

        • No End Date

        • End After occurrences, and enter the number of occurrences.

        • End Date, enter an end date, and then select an End Time.

    4. Optional: add more stages to the taskflow.

  8. Add links to taskflow stages:

    1. Select the stage for which link is to be added, and then click Add Link.

    2. In General, enter a unique link name and an optional description.

    3. In Receiving Stage select the next stage in the taskflow.

    4. Optional: Set link conditions if needed.

  9. Click Save.