Creating Groups

A Native Directory group can contain users and groups from the user directories configured in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services, including Native Directory.

When a group from an external user directory is added to a Native Directory group, Shared Services creates a reference in the database to establish the relationship.

To create Native Directory groups:

  1. Access Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console as a Functional Administrator or Directory Manager. See Launching Shared Services Console.

  2. In the View pane, expand Native Directory.

  3. Right-click Groups, and then select New Group.

  4. In Name, enter a unique group name (maximum 256 characters).

    Group names are not case-sensitive.

  5. Optional: Enter a group description.

  6. Perform an action:

    • Click Finish to create the group without adding groups or users, and go to step 11.

    • Click Next to create a nested group or assign users to the group.

  7. Create a nested group. To skip this step, click Next.

    1. Using the fields above Available Groups, search for the groups that you want to add as group members.

      1. In Directory, select the user directory from which you want to add the child group. Select All to search for groups in all configured user directories.

      2. From the drop-down list, select Group Name to search based on group names. Select Description to search based on group descriptions.

      3. Enter the criterion for retrieving groups. Use * (asterisk) as the wildcard to retrieve all available groups.

      4. Click Search.

        Groups that match the search criterion are listed under Available Groups.

    2. From Available Groups, select the member groups for the new group.

    3. Click Add button.

      The selected groups are listed under Assigned Groups list.

    4. Optional: To retrieve and assign additional groups, repeat step 7.a through 7.c.

      Using the fields above the Assigned Groups list, you can search assigned groups to identify the groups that you want to remove. For instructions on searching within assigned groups, see step 7.a through 7.c.

      To remove assigned groups, from Assigned Groups, select the group to remove, and then click Remove button.

  8. Perform an action:

    • Click Finish to create the group without adding users, and then go to step 11.

    • Click Next to assign users to the group.

  9. To assign users to the group:

    1. Using the fields above the Available Users list, search for the users that you want to add as group members.

      1. In Directory, select the user directory from which you want to add user members. Select All to search for users in all configured user directories.

      2. From the drop-down list, select User Name to search based on user names. Select Description to search based on user descriptions.

      3. Enter the criterion for retrieving users. Use * (asterisk) as the wildcard to retrieve all available users.

      4. Click Search.

        Users that match the search criterion are listed under Available Users.

    2. From Available Users, select the users to add to the group.

    3. Click Add button to move the selected user accounts to Assigned Users.

    4. Optional: To retrieve and assign additional users, repeat step 9.a through 9.c.

      Using the fields above Assigned Users, you can search assigned users to identify users that you want to remove.

      To remove assigned users, from Assigned Users, select the users to remove, and then click Remove button.

  10. Click Finish.

  11. Select Create Another to create another group or Finish.